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The Lost and Lawless Church



To worship the true God is key to our salvation.   And I know that nearly everyone who calls themselves a Christian would says they only worship the true God.  And even though they may attend Christian churches, and attend pastor lead Christian worship service, I venture to say that most Christians are not worshiping the true God.  They think they are, but by God’s standards, they are not.  


The word ‘worship’, in Hebrew or Greek languages, means to ‘bow’ as in submission to an authority.  Yet it’s not the physical act of bowing that is true worship. Jacob bowed before Pharaoh of Egypt, but didn’t worship him. True worship is when we bow, literally or figuratively, in willing submission to that which we determine is our “supreme authority”.


We may bow, sing, dance, praise before an earthly king, but that is not an act of worship, unless he is also your god.  Singing, dancing, praying, praising, sacrifice and obedience is only true worship when it is done to that which is our ‘supreme authority’.  If God is not your ‘supreme authority’ then you worship in vain according to Jesus.  (Matthew 15:9, Mark 7:7).


 The Word ‘worship’ in English is derived from the conjunction of two words, ‘worth’ and ‘ship’.  You can only truly worship that which to you is of the greatest worth.  Jesus said you can’t serve two masters, it’s one or the other (Matthew 6:24). True worship is only for the being or object, of our highest worth to you, which is also your ‘supreme authority’. Our submissive obedience to our ‘supreme authority’ is an act of worship.  True worship is not what we do in church, true worship is living a life of humble obedience to the God we love and respect.  True worship is by showing Him to be our greatest worth by our 'bowing' in submission to His authority as our supreme authority.




God must be your ‘Supreme Authority’ to be in a saving relationship with Him.  What do I mean by ‘Supreme Authority’?  Keep reading…


We all have a number of authorities which we must submit to. We have our parents, the police, our president, our leaders, our bosses, our spouses, our legal authorities, religious authorities, the IRS, teachers and perhaps many others, depending on our life’s situation and position.  But we can have only one supreme authority, which is the authority who we will obey above all other authorities.  Our 'supreme authority' trumps all the other authorities in our lives. 


While we are to obey all of our authorities, but if there is ever a conflict between their demands on us, we will then have to choose between those conflicting authorities.  Ultimately we may have to reject one so that we can obey the other.  Whatever authority we choose to be our supreme authority is our greatest authority and superior to all others, in a conflict we will always submit our supreme authority and we will never choose against it – if we did, it would no longer be our supreme authority. 


God tells us to keep His law, and if He is our supreme authority we will obey Him without questioning Him.  But when people are deceived into rejecting some, or all, of God’s laws, in doing that they have changed their supreme authority from God to whatever authority (church?) it was that convinced them that it is OK to reject God’s law. 


Those deceived into having a supreme authority other that God, however, didn’t make a conscious decision to forsake God as their supreme authority and they believe they are still right with God and believe He is still their supreme authority.  However, when our obedience and disobedience to God is governed by some other authority (church?) that tells us which of God’s laws to keep and which to reject, we thus making the other authority (person or church?) our real supreme authority. According to God’s perspective, by the rejection of any of His laws or commands, we have forsaken Him as our supreme authority and as our god, whether we know it or not.  And when we do that, our worship is in vain.


Submitting to our supreme authority is an act of worship to that supreme authority, and that supreme authority, whoever, or whatever, is our god, or God. A true narcissist will always be their own supreme authority.  A workaholic may have his job as his supreme authority. And addict, will usually have whatever they are addicted to as their supreme authority.  A religious person many have their religion as their supreme authority. And all of these people may confess the true God is their supreme authority, and consciously they believe that to be true, but from God’s perspective they have a different supreme authority which they obey over His authority, thus they, in reality, have a different god. 


A true redeemed saint of God will have God as their supreme authority.  Revelation 14:12, “Here is the endurance of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.”  God’s redeemed saints keep His commandments and submit to His will, because He is their supreme authority.


We worship whatever, or whoever is of the greatest worth to us, and that person or object will also be our supreme authority.  Obedience to our supreme authority is therefore an act of worship.  And of course, God should be our Supreme Authority – but we know that’s obviously not always the case. That’s why Jesus told the Jewish religious leaders, who were keeping their manmade laws instead of God’s commandments, their worship is in vain (Matthew 15:9 and Mark 7:7) – because God is not their supreme authority, their religion was, and therefore God was not their god. Their worship of God was then just a lip service, and Jesus said, they worship God with their lip, but their hearts are far from Him - that's what it is to worship in vain, God will not accept that worship.


To reject, replace or ignore any of God’s commandments or laws, dishonors God and removes God from the role of our supreme authority.   When we reject just one of God laws, or commandments, we are saying, ‘No’, to God, and that means we said, ‘yes’ to whatever authority told us that we don’t have to keep that law. That lawless authority is then our supreme authority, whether or not we know it, because in setting God’s command(s) aside, we have placed that lawless authority over God’s authority.  


God tells us (through His Prophet Jesus) to keep the Old Testament ‘law and prophets’ (Matthew 5:17-20) and if we don’t we will suffer death (John 8:51).  However, Satan, the Beast, tells us (through his false prophets) we don’t have to keep God’s laws, and he adds, ‘surely you will not die’.  Which of these two authorities do you accept and believe will determine who your supreme authority is.


Even though we may select God as our supreme authority and commit to keep all His law, that doesn’t mean we won’t sin.  But when we do, we will acknowledge that we have done wrong and repent, and then make an honest effort to not sin again - thereby restoring God as our Supreme authority.  But if a person sins because they have rejected any of God’s laws (presumptuous sinner), they are thereby rejecting God’s authority, and therefore God is not their supreme authority. (More on that later)


Fortunately, we do have the ability to switch who our supreme authority is, at will.  When we switch from having God as our supreme authority to some other thing or person being our supreme authority it’s called apostasy.  When we switch from some person or thing, being our supreme authority to make God our Supreme Authority, it’s called repentance.  By repentance we commit to submit to God’s authority as supreme, by obeying him and keeping His laws.




A real ‘Christian’, by definition is one who accepts, follows, and lives by the teachings of Jesus ‘Christ’.  Now, read below and see if you qualify.


But first let me ask you, do you believe Jesus when he said he spoke the words of Yahoveh Our God, by Yahoveh’s authority? (Matthew 28:18, John 12:49, 14:10).  When Jesus said the Scripture spoke about him (John 5:39) he was referring to Deuteronomy 18:18-19.  In that passage Yahoveh said he would send us His Prophet with His words and His authority, and we had better listen to him, or we will be held accountable.  Acts 3:22 and Acts 7:37 both identify the Prophet of Deuteronomy 18:18-19 to be Jesus.  And a number of time Jesus said he spoke Yahoveh's words with Yahoveh's authority. (John 14:10 for example).


 So, if we believe in Jesus or “in him” (John 3:16) and believe Jesus is who he said he was, we have to believe he spoke Yahoveh’s words with Yahoveh’s authority.  Therefore we must give his words the same reverence and respect as if they were spoken by Yahoveh Himself, making Him your supreme authority.  So, we must obey Jesus’ words, and if we don’t we are dishonoring him and the Father and we will be held accountable – that’s why Jesus said we will be judged by his words.   


 So what did Jesus say that we must obey?


Jesus said keep the Old Testament ‘Law and Prophets’, every jot and tittle, even the least command, until heaven and earth pass away. (Matthew 5:17-20) 

Jesus said to the rich young ruler seeking eternal life, ‘keep God’s commandments’ (Matthew 19:17)

Jesus said God’s redeemed people, keep God’s Commandments and hold to Jesus’ teachings (Rev 12:17).

Jesus said God’s redeemed people, keep God’s Commandments and practice Jesus’ faith (Rev 14:12).

Jesus said those who do God’s commandments will enter the New Jerusalem and eat from the tree of life. (Rev 22:14)

Jesus said if we kept his teachings we will never see death. (John 8:51).

Jesus said if we keep his words we will survive the Judgment (Matthew 7:24-25).

Jesus said if we don’t keep his words we will be destroyed (Matthew 7:26-27).

Jesus said if we love God we will keep His commandments (John 14:15).

Jesus said, he and the Father love those who love Him and keeps His commandments (John 14:21,23-24).

Jesus said those who reject some or all of God’s laws, the lawless, will be destroyed by fire (Matthew 13:41-42).

Jesus said if your eye, hand or foot causes you to sin, it’s better remove it than to be cast into hell (Matthew 18:8-9)

Jesus said we need our own righteousness to enter God’s kingdom (Matthew 5:20)

Jesus said our white linen wedding garment is made of the righteous acts of the saints (Rev 19:7-8).

Jesus said the righteous (In contrast to the lawless) will shine like the sun in God’s kingdom. (Matthew 13:43)

Jesus said only those who have a strong hunger and thirst for righteousness and will achieve it. (Matthew 5:6)

Jesus said make it top priority to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33)

Jesus said Yahoveh is God, and Yahoveh is one – not three (Mark 12:29).

Jesus said we are to worship and serve Yahoveh alone (Matthew 4:10).

Jesus said he is the messiah, and Yahoveh, his Father, is the only true God. (John 17:3)

Jesus said he has a God and a Father, just as his disciples do. (John 20:17).

Jesus said, he, along with the rest of the Jews, worship Yahoveh God, in truth and spirit. (John 4:22-23)

Jesus said we are to pray to the Father only, in his name (Yahoveh) (Matthew 6:6-9, Mark 11:25, Luke 11:2, John 15:16)

Jesus said, he is to be our only teacher, i.e., on spiritual matters, and no others. (Matthew 23:8,10)

Jesus said, if we are his, we will follow him (By following his teachings and walking as he did) (John 10:27)

Jesus said, if you do and teach others to keep the Old Testment ‘law and prophets’ you will be called great in the Kingdom. (Matt 5:18)

Jesus said, if don’t do and teach others not to do the Old Testament ‘law and prophets’ you will be called least in the Kingdom. (Matthew 5:18)

Jesus said, it’s by his words that people will be judged (Judged on whether or not we kept his words).  (John 12:48)

Jesus said we will be Judged according to God’s standard for righteousness, His law. (John 5:30)

Jesus said, in the judgment, those who did good will receive eternal life, those who did evil will be destroyed (John 5:29)

Jesus said, go into all the world and teach others to ‘observe all that I have commanded’. (Matthew 28:18-20)

Jesus said, to dishonor the Son (By not obeying him) is to also dishonor the Father (John 5:23)

Jesus said his words will stand until heaven and earth pass away (Matthew 24:35, Luke 21:33, Mark 31:31)


Surprisingly enough, much of what Jesus said, listed above, is contrary to what the ‘church’ teaches. And that should shock everybody because Jesus said he said speaking with Yahoveh’s words and authority. 


Are you keeping all of Jesus’ words which he spoke for Yahoveh? If you are obeying Jesus, you’re keeping the Old Testament ‘law and prophets’ as he commanded (Matthew 5:17-20).  Right?  You must, and don’t think on Judgment Day you can say, ‘Paul said we didn’t have to’.  And don’t say, ‘all I had to do was believe in my heart’, ‘plead the blood’, ‘say the sinner’s prayer’ or receive church sacraments.  Because if you really believe Jesus is who he said he was, you wouldn’t dare ignore his commands- regardless of who said what.  Who is your supreme authority? Your church, your pastor, Paul’s words, or God’s words spoken by Jesus?


To say you believe in Jesus, or believe in God, but then don’t obey them, is sheer folly because it makes no sense. If you were told that you can ignore some of Jesus’ words, or God’s commands, you were lied to, if you believe it, you are deceived.  A true Christian must abide by Jesus’ words, as he spoke the words of our Supreme Authority, and he told us to keep the commandments of God. 


Those who don’t obey all Jesus said don’t have Yahoveh as their supreme authority, and Yahoveh is therefore not their god, and their worship is in vain.


Jesus didn’t tell us to follow, or do Paul’s teachings, he told us to follow and do his teachings, for Jesus said he is to be our only teacher. Jesus didn’t tell us to go into all the world and teach Paul’s words, Jesus told us to go into all the world and teach others to observe (obey) all that he taught.  If we “believe in Jesus” or ‘believe Jesus’ (i.e., John 3:16), we will believe all he said and we will accept him as our only teacher and obey him.  Paul is not to be our supreme authority, God is, as we hear Him in Jesus’ words.


So who is a true Christian?  A true Christian is one who follows and obeys all of Jesus’ teachings, and thereby keep the Commandments of God, i.e, the ‘law and prophets’ – or we could say, a ‘true Christian’ has God as their Supreme Authority.  The early followers of Jesus did that, we read in Acts 24:14, “But this I confess to you, that according to the Way (The earliest form of Christianity) which they call a sect, so I worship the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the Law and in the Prophets.”  They did just as Jesus taught, they worshiped Yahoveh, God of their fathers (Matthew 4:10, Mark 12:29, John 4:22-23), and they kept the Old Testament ‘law and the prophets’ (Matthew 5:17-20, Revelation 12:17, 14:12, 22:14).  Today’s Christian church fails on both accounts, and therefore neither God or Jesus is their real supreme authority.


Contrary to what Jesus said, our Churches take their doctrines (teachings) from their understanding of Paul and then they tell their members that they don’t need to keep the Old Testament ‘law and the prophets’. They might as well say that Jesus was an ignorant liar.  They make up excuses and theological reasons why we should ignore Jesus’ instructions.  But, Jesus told us to keep the ‘law and prophets’, ‘every jot and tittle’, ‘until heaven earth pass away.”  And just to make sure we understood him correctly, three times in the last book of the Bible, he re-emphasizes our we need to keep ‘the commandments of God’ faithfully until death, to be His redeemed saints who enter the Kingdom of God and eat from the tree of life. The Book of Revelation is God’s last message to mankind, His final warnings, and His final instructions, we better take those words most seriously.  When people believe the ‘church’ over God’s words, the church is then their supreme authority.  And that doesn’t mean they don’t obey God and keep some, or maybe, many of His commandments, but rather there limited obedience is governed by the church and their disobedience to God's laws is sanctioned by the church.


The churches tell their people that since they can’t keep the law perfectly they are doomed to failure if they try and in trying they will be turning their backs on God’s grace.  And it’s true we can’t keep His law perfectly, but in saying that they are overlooking the gift of repentance, whereby we receive saving grace.  Jesus called on sinners to repent, because by repentance their sins are forgiven (2Chronicles 7:14), forgotten (Isaiah 1:18), blotted out (Acts 3:19), atoned for (James 5:20), pardoned (Isaiah 55:7), and they are justified (Luke 18:13-14), just if they had never sinned, then sinners are considered to be white as snow, and righteous people (Now that is saved grace if I ever heard it!).  So, repentant people can stand perfect before God, not because they are perfect, but because God is merciful to forgive and forget the sins of those who truly repent.  That’s why Jesus came to call sinners to repentance.  Luke 5:32, “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”  Jesus was calling sinners to repentance, from being a law breakers, to being a law keepers, from being a rebels against God’s authority, to being ones who submits to God’s authority as supreme, so that they may be among the justified redeemed.  Repentance holds the key to our salvation for it is our source of saving grace. So, what is true repentance?  See below.  First we must deal with this question; ‘Aren’t we saved by God’s grace apart from the law’?




Yes, we are saved by grace alone through faith, and not by keeping the law.  And, of course, the church would say that saving grace comes to us because of our faith.  And I agree with that.  What I will argue about is their definition of ‘faith’.  ‘Faith’ defined by the church, using a Greek or English dictionary, is simply ‘mental activity which may, or may not, produce obedience’, but that’s not the concept of true Biblical faith. ‘Faith’ in the Scriptures is an Old Testament term, and it needs to be defined by its original Hebrew definition and context.  The Hebrew word for faith is ‘emunah’.  It really means ‘faithfulness’, as someone who faithfully obeys God.  We read in the Scriptures that Abraham’s faith was credited to him as ‘righteousness’ (Genesis 15:6) and that was because he faithfully obeyed God (Genesis 12:4-5, 22:2-3, 26:5).  ‘Faith’ in the Scriptures is an action word, a verb, as we see in Hebrews 11, not a simple a ‘mental ascent’ because of what we think, or simply agreeing to some facts about God or Jesus.  James was correct to say ‘faith without works is a dead faith’, that is, ‘a faith that doesn’t produce obedience is dead’.  Can I say I believe in God, or Jesus but I just won’t obey them?  You can’t get me to buy that, do you really think God will?  So the ‘faith’ by which we are deemed righteous, and receive God’s saving grace is an obedient faith. That’s how faith is defined in the Old Testament and that’s how it is in the New Testament.


And as I mentioned above, it’s in repentance that our sins are wiped away, blotted, forgiven, forgotten, pardoned, atoned for, and we are justified and made white as snow.  That is saving grace, because as sinners we now stand ‘perfect’ before God, and are fit for His kingdom – saved by grace, through repentance.  And of course, true repentance is an act of faith – a strong faith.


Obedience and grace are not mutually exclusive. It’s not that we are saved by one or the other, they are like the two sides of a coin.  If you pick up the coin you have both sides.  If either side is blank, it’s a worthless counterfeit coin.  True faith produces obedience to whom we believe in.


When you stop to think about it, would God give His saving grace to those who reject His laws and commandments with no guilt, shame or remorse?  Would God give His saving grace to those despise His word by not obeying His commands, showing that they lack love and fearful respect of Him?  Would God want those in His Kingdom who spurn His authority, and follow some other authority as supreme?  What King would want disobedient rebels in His kingdom who dishonor Him by their disobedience?  Is God going to overlook that rebellion because they have a mental faith, or mental belief in Jesus?  Jesus and God told us to keep the ‘Law and Prophets’ to enter His kingdom, who dares question that?


I know this will surprise many people, but we also find ‘salvation by grace through faith’ in the Old Testament. It’s not a New Testament concept.  One example is embedded in the Ten Commandments, written in stone by the finger of God.  Exodus 20:6, “but showing mercy (that’s saving grace) to thousands of generations, to those who love Me and keep My commandments” (It’s a true faith which loves God and keeps His commandments).  'Thousands of generations' is a way of expressing time, it's another way of saying eternal.  That is eternal salvation by the grace of God given to those with a living and active and obedient faith.


God gives saving grace, i.e. mercy, to those whom He loves.  And whom does God love with that kind of love?  The Scriptures tell us that He loves those who love Him and keeps His commandments and repent when they fail, for He is their supreme authority;

Exodus 20:6 NKJV, “but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.”

Exodus 20:6 ASV, “and showing lovingkindness unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.”

Exodus 20:6 ESV, “but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.”

Exodus 20:6 CJB, "but displaying grace to the thousandth generation of those who love me and obey my mitzvot."

John 14:21 NKJV, “He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.”

John 15:10 NKJV, “If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.”

Luke 1:50 NKJV, “And His mercy is on those who fear Him, from generation to generation.”


Receiving God’s ‘lovingkindness’, ‘steadfast love’, ‘mercy’, 'grace', and ‘love’ is His saving grace, which He will give to those who love Him and respectfully fear Him enough to obey Him.  (God’s redeemed people may not obey Him perfectly, but it is the desire and will of their hearts and thus they repent when they fail.) So we don’t earn salvation by keeping God’s commandments which we do imperfectly, but rather God gives His saving grace to those whom He loves, and He said He loves those who love Him and keeps His commandments, and repent when they fail, those who submit to His supreme authority.  Keeping God’s commandments is evidence that we love and fearfully respect Him – it is evidence that God is our Supreme Authority.  God responds to that obedient love with His own love.  


We are to love God...


When the Scriptures speak about ‘love’ it’s not referring to an emotional love. God doesn’t need or want our emotional love.  The Hebrew word of ‘love’ literally means ‘I give’.  That is the essence of true love, ‘giving’, and that’s God’s idea of love.  To ‘love’, in the Scriptures in synonymous with a self-sacrificial giving.  If we love God, we give Him our time, energy, devotion, resources, obedience, praise, worship, etc.  If we love our neighbor, we give them what will meet their needs. God doesn’t want or need our emotional love, God only wants and accepts an obedient giving love. “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments” (1John 5:3a).  Love for God is obedience.


Hebrew 5:9, “And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him.” Saving grace comes through an obedient faith.


Revelation 22:14, “Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city.” If God is allowing into heaven who 'do His commandments' they must have received His saving grace. Saving grace comes through an obedient faith. 


And I know that there’s another translation of Revelation 22:14, but when you study it, it says exactly the same.  To 'wash your robe', is to, according to Revelation 19:8 is doing 'the righteous acts'.  That is to stop doing unrighteous acts (i.e., sin) and start doing 'righteous acts', i.e., keeping God's commandments.  That is your robe of righteousness, as Jesus said in Matthew 5:20.


The Biblical idea of ‘faith’ must include obedience.  1John 3:7, “Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous.”   Yes, grace is by faith, but only by a faith that respectfully honors God by keeping His commandments.  It’s hard to understand how someone could say that they believe in God, or believe in Jesus, but won’t obey them. That makes no sense. Don’t let your church, or pastor, deceive you; you must practice righteousness to be considered righteous.  We will not automatically receive Jesus’ robe of righteousness at the Judgment seat because of our mental belief apart from obedience, that’s a false understanding coming from Paul’s writings.  Jesus said, (Matthew 5:20) “For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.”  And Revelation 19:7-8 tell us that our pure white linen wedding robe of righteous is made of the righteous acts of the saints (obedience to God’s commandments).  That’s why Jesus so strongly stressed obedience to God’s commandment and repentance for sinners.  And no, we can't perfectly keep God's commandments, but repentance blots out our failures.


If you think that you don’t have to keep God law, consider the following questions; Will God save those who dishonor Him by rejecting His commandments and dishonor Jesus by rejecting his teachings, and yet will not repent?  Is God going to give His saving grace to those lawless ones who don’t love Him, or respectfully fear Him enough to keep His commandments?  Will He give His saving grace to those who won’t submit to His authority and despise His word?  The obvious answer is 'no'.  No, those are the lawless, and we read in Matthew 13:41-43 that the lawless will be gathered and burned.  They will be as burned stubble under the feet of the righteous (Malachi 4:3).  So we must love God and keep His commandments, repent when we fail, and He will love us and give us His saving grace so that we may abide with Him forever. (John 14:23-24).


I suppose one may argue, it’s not their fault, the 'many' were deceived.  That argument may have worked centuries ago, but today we all have the truth at our finger tips.  We have Bibles available to everyone and there we can read the truth, and read of Jesus’ warnings about these deceptions.  No one need be deceived, if they truly seek the truth they will find it.  I’m not the judge, but neither do I find evidence that those deceived were considered to be innocent victims. See below about those on the broad road leading to destruction.  See Luke 12:47-48.





Who are the ‘lawless’?  Remember, a ‘Lawless’ person is one who rejects one or more of God’s laws and in doing that they have forsaken God as their supreme authority. A lawless person may keep some of God’s laws, even most, but if a person rejects even one law and refuses to keep it, they have thereby spurned God’s authority, and they are considered lawless, or presumptuous sinners, or worker of iniquities. To reject even one law is to say, 'no' to God.


The lawless person may even seem to be very nice and kind people who go to church and claim to love God and Jesus, and may keep most of God’s commandments, but as far as God is concerned, from His perspective, they are lawless rebels (Daniel 9:3-7, Matthew 5:17-20), who ‘hate’ Him (Exodus 20:5).


If God is not our supreme authority, that means we have another god, so then no amount of commandment keeping or 'church worship' will please Him.  God will not share His glory with another (Isaiah 42:8), for He is a jealous God and a consuming fire (Deut 4:2).


And now you are saying, if this is true, that means virtually all Christendom is lost because they have been told they don’t need to keep God’s ‘law and prophets’, they have been deceived into being lawless.  And that’s exactly what we read in the Scriptures, this is the great falling away, or the ‘Great Apostasy’. (2Thessalonians 2).   And Revelation (12:9-13:3-8) speaks about this as well, it says that ‘all the world is deceived’ and ‘wonder after the beast’.  The Beast is Satan, and ‘lawlessness’ is his false teaching by which he deceives the world.  Those who are deceived into being lawless are unknowingly wondering after the beast and unknowingly worshiping the beast by submitting to his lawless teachings. They believe that they are worshiping the true God, but in reality they are not. By placing Satan’s lawless teaching above Jesus’ instruction, and God’s commands to keep the ‘law and prophets, they are thereby placing Satan’s authority above God’s authority, and thus they 'worship the beast' (Satan) instead of God.  (See my books for more on this).




Jesus told us to keep the Old Testament ‘law and prophets’ (Matthew 5:17-20).  And that means keeping all the laws in the Old Testament.  And you may be saying to yourself, if I do that I will be like a Jew.  No, but if you do that you will be as Jesus was, a ‘Biblical Jew’.  A ‘Biblical Jew’ is one that keeps all the law of the Bible, plus nothing else. Many Jews today, including the Pharisees who are today’s Orthodox Jews, don’t just keep the Scriptures, but they have added their own manmade laws and rules, many of them.  They added what they call the ‘oral torah’ or the ‘traditions’, in their Talmud.  Jesus referred to them as the ‘traditions and commandments of man’ and denounced them when they interfered with God’s Biblical laws by subtracting and adding to it. In adding to God’s law, they made it a burden to the people, turning them away from religion and God (Luke 11:46, Matthew 23:4).  To add to God’s laws is to usurp His authority, making yourself God. To reject any of God’s laws is to reject God’s authority over us.  In rejecting any of God’s laws we are saying ‘no’ to God and ‘yes’ to some other lawless authority.


While we need to keep the Old Testament laws, there are obvious Old Testament laws we can’t keep.  Many laws have to do with sacrifices in the Temple, some laws were for priest only, some laws were for women only, some laws were for men only, some laws were for farmers only, some laws were for merchants only, some laws were for kings only, and some laws were for children only.  So not all laws are possible for us to keep, but we must keep all that we are capable of keeping, mostly having to do with morality and charity.  For any of God’s laws which we can keep but reject, is like saying ‘No!’ to God.  So when Jesus said we need to keep Old Testament ‘law and prophets’, he obviously was only referring to all of those laws which pertain to us. See the home page of this site for ‘What Law Must We Keep?’.





So if people are told by their churches that they don’t need to keep God’s law(s) then people won’t hesitate to ignore, reject or break God’s laws, and that makes them ‘lawless’.  They then presume the law is not for them, and presume there will be no consequence to breaking it, so they presume their is no need to repent and seek forgiveness.  They become what the Scriptures refer to as ‘presumptuous sinners’ or ‘lawless’.  Jesus said the lawless presumptuous sinners will be burned with fire (Matthew 13:41-42) and “unless you repent, you too will be destroyed.” (Luke 13:5, 12:46-47, Rev 2:5).


Most churches will say we should keep some of the Ten Commandments but they ignore the rest of the Old Testament ‘law and prophets’. They often refer to the Ten Commandments as 10 suggestions. There are very few churches that keep the 4th Commandment to ‘Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy’.  But none of them keep the First Commandment….Exodus 20:2-3, “I am Yahoveh your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 3 “You shall have no other gods before Me.”  And no, ‘Yahoveh’ is not three, He is one.  Jesus clearly said (Mark 12:29, John 17:3) Yahoveh God is one.  In Matthew 4:10 Jesus told us to worship and serve Yahoveh God alone. In John 17:3 Jesus said his Father, Yahoveh, is the only true God. Trinity worship violates God’s First Commandment which Jesus instructed us to keep, and in breaking it we dishonor both God and Jesus.


And even though most Christians will acknowledge that they are sinners, they don't repent of their sin because they are told to 'just trust Jesus', 'plead his blood' because he 'died for your sins' and suffered the penalty of your sinfulness.  Accepting Church teachings have turned 'Christians' into 'presumptuous sinners'.




We are all sinners; The question is, what type are you?  That’s important to know because one type of sinner will be considered righteous and be saved and the other type will be called lawless, or wicked, and they are lost. 


When people are told by their churches that God requires them to keep His ‘law and Prophets’ (As Jesus told us), some people, in effort to please God by doing His will, and to obey Jesus’ instructions, will commit to do that.  Then when those people occasionally fail, or sin, they will experience godly sorrow, guilt, remorse and then they will repent and be forgiven.  They are what the Scriptures refer to as an ‘unintentional sinner’ (Numbers 15:22). “Unintentional’ because they acknowledge God’s authority and God’s law which they intent on keeping, they only sin in a time of weakness when overcome by temptation – for which they later repent. And after repenting, they are considered to righteous.


But, when people are told that God doesn’t care or doesn’t expect them to keep His Old Testament ‘law and prophets’, they will make no effort to keep them.  They will enjoy their Easter Sunday Ham dinners, and frequently do what God forbids – violating God’s laws freely.  And because they have rejected the authority of God’s law, by setting aside His laws, they will never feel guilt, remorse, godly sorrow and therefore they will never repent – they don’t think they need to.  Thus they are then what the Scriptures call ‘presumptuous sinners’, who are lost in their sins (Deuteronomy 17:12).   They ‘presume’ that the law(s) is not for them, and they ‘presume’ that they will suffer no consequences for breaking the law(s) so they reject them and 'presume' there is no need to repent.  But to reject even one law, is to be a presumptuous sinner and dethrone God as your supreme authority and accepting some other authority as your supreme authority.


Often people are not aware that they have a different supreme authority, for they keep some of God’s laws and go to church and receive the sacrament and confess their faith in God and Jesus.  Whether they know it or not, if they are not fully submitting to God’s law, or His authority, He is therefore not their supreme authority. So in their minds they haven’t consciously chosen another supreme authority, but from God’s perspective, they have.  The common choices for an alternate supreme authority for a non-religious person is self, and a religious person will often choose their religion.


We see both types of sinners in Proverbs 24:16, “For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again, But the wicked shall fall by calamity.”  Proverbs 24:16 tells us that a righteous man (unintentional sinner) may fall into sin many times (‘seven’) but recovers (‘rise again’) through repentance, and still be considered ‘righteous’.  But a ‘wicked’ man (or presumptuous sinner) will fall into sin, and never recover because he will not rise up through repentance.  His fall is therefore a ‘calamity’, leading to his destruction.  A ‘wicked man’ is a lawless presumptuous sinner who will not repent.  An unintentional sinner repents and is considered to be righteous. And that makes perfect sense, because we are all sinner, yet we know that there are righteous people, so the righteous people have to be the ‘unintentional sinners’ who commit and strive to keep God’s law, even though they occasionally fail.  What type of sinner are we?  A lawless presumptuous sinner who will not repent because we have rejected the authority of God’s laws over us? Or an unintentional sinner who submits to God’s authority by keeping the ‘law and prophets’, as Jesus instructed, and then repent when we fail?  If you feel that you are the wrong type, the good news is it’s not too late to change… that’s why Jesus was calling ‘presumptuous sinners’ to repentance.  Jesus’ calls to repent are still valid for us – but someday it will be too late.


Which type of sinner you are is largely determined by your church’s teachings – whether your church tells you to keep God’s law, or tells you that you don’t need to keep God’s law.  Does your church tell you that you can set God’s law aside because you are under grace, and not under the law? Does your church tell you that the law was nailed to the cross? Does your church tell you it’s OK to keep Sunday instead of Sabbath?  Does your church tell you that you can now eat pig and God doesn’t care?  Does your church ignore Passover and instead serve an Easter Sunday Him dinner?  These lawless teachings are all based on the church’s lawless understanding of Paul, to the exclusion of Jesus’ words. It’s no wonder that people in the churches can sin without feeling guilt, shame or godly sorrow that drives them to repentance.  When was the last time you witnessed a Christian feeling guilty about keeping Sunday instead of Sabbath?  Or eating their Easter Ham dinner?  They don't feel guilt, because they have rejected those laws.


God told us to keep His dietary restrictions, to avoid pork, shell fish and meat with blood in it - He said it was an abomination to eat them.  That's a very strong word, I doubt that He has changed His mind about that.  How many Christians keep that law? God told us to keep His Biblical Feast days for all generations.  How many Christians keep those laws?  Jesus told us to worship and serve Yahoveh alone.  How many Christians keep that law?  God told us to call on Him by name (Yahoveh) when we praise Him and give Him thanks.  How many Christians keep that law?  He told us to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. How many Christians keep that law?


When we ignore, reject or set aside one or more of God’s commandments, something more sinister is happening.  In setting aside one or more of God’s commandments we’re legally, and perhaps subconsciously, rejecting God as our supreme authority, and making whatever authority that told us we could set aside, or reject, God’s law(s), as our new supreme authority. And those who do this are not consciously aware that’s what they are doing. They think by following church teachings, they feel they are secure in their salvation, but they are not, they have been deceived, and now they are wretched, poor, blind and naked and don’t even know it.


Our supreme authority is our god, or God.




Even though we may have correctly chosen God as our Supreme Authority, that doesn’t mean we won’t fail Him from time to time, for we are by nature selfish, rebellious, sinful and unclean.  When that happens we need to repent.


It’s through true repentance that our sins are blotted out, forgotten, forgiven, atoned for, pardoned, and dumped in the depths of the sea, so that we are justified, made white as snow and considered righteous, just as the publican was in Luke 18:13-14.  Jesus said, because of his repentance, that the Publican went down to his house ‘justified’.  Since we are all sinners, repentance is our only hope, our source of saving grace, so we better understand what it is…


What is true repentance?  First we need to understand what ‘sin’ is.  Sin is the violation, or transgression, of God’s law (1John 3:4).  And to ‘repent’ literally means to ‘turn around and go the other way’.  So to repent of sin, has to mean to stop breaking God’s law and start keeping it.  Yet, repentance is more that to just mechanically, or physically, stop sinning.


Within the Scriptures I find two general classification of sin. A. Sin as a practice by one who rejects God’s authority.  B. Sin as a single event as a moral failure.  Therefore there are two aspects of repentance; there is ‘repentance of character (for those who sin as a practice)’ and ‘repentance from sin (i.e., moral failure, or single event)’. 


When a presumptuous sinners comes to the conclusion that they are not saved and will not merit God’s saving grace, they will undergo a change in their lives/characters.  They will confess that they are sinners and make a commitment to God to change and submit to His authority, as their ‘supreme authority’.  The Publican in Luke 18 did this, he looked at his life and looked at God’s holiness as saw that he fell very short, and said, “God be merciful to me a sinner’.  Jesus said, “he was justified”. The Prodigal Son also did that in Luke 15, when he came to the conclusion that he was lost, and humbled himself, begging his father to let him be a servant in his household.  The father said that his son was ‘dead’ (in his sinful condition) but is now ‘live’ (through repentance), that is being ‘born again’, this is changing of his supreme authority, back to being God.


 For the presumptuous sinner, ‘Repentance of character’ is a major conversion and lifestyle is needed (as the Prodigal son).  However, for the unintentional sinner, ‘repentance from sin’ is associated with a particular sin where they feel guilt and godly sorrow over their sin, confess it to God and make a commitment to God to not do that sin again.


We see this principle in John 13:10, “Jesus said to him (Peter), “He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean; and you are clean, but not all of you.”  Jesus told Peter, you don’t need a bath (i.e. radical character conversion of presumptuous sinners represented by Baptism), you have already chosen to submit to God as your supreme authority, you just need ‘repentance of your unintentional sin(s)’ (i.e., wash your feet), through daily confession and repentance.  Judas however need a ‘repentance of character’, character conversion, as symbolized by baptism.  Psalm 51:13, "Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, And sinners shall be converted to You."


Either way repentance is not a single act, but a lifestyle change, a conversion.   Since we have a selfish nature we also have a tendency to sin, so repentance is ongoing lifestyle of forsaking sin and struggling to obey God.  Repentance is the ongoing crucifying of the desires and passions of the flesh and following Christ’s teachings. (Galatians 5:24)  Or as Jesus (Luke 9:23) puts it, “Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.”  Repentance is daily done by those who are ‘poor in spirit’ because they know they are sinners, who ‘mourn over the sins’ because they ‘hunger and thirst for righteousness’.  To repent isn’t just mechanically stopping a sin by our keeping the law we formerly violated, but rather it is a heart change in response to our guilt, shame and godly sorrow.  We get that godly sorrow when we know that we should be keeping God’s law, but have failed and we have offended the God we love and fearfully respect by disobeying Him.  That drives us to repentance and the fruit of repentance is a willingness to submit to God’s supreme authority by doing His will, keeping His laws and commandments.


But, unfortunately those who don’t accept Jesus’ message to keep the Old Testament ‘law and the prophets’, because they were told that it doens't pertain to them, will not consider it to be sin when they violate the individual laws within the ‘law and the prophets’ and therefore they will never feel godly sorrow, and the need to repent. So how can they perceive that they have a character flaw if they never feel the guilt, shame or godly sorrow caused by sin? It’s only those who commit themselves to keep the ‘law and prophets’ to honor God by doing His will, who feel guilt when they violate God’s law, and are moved by godly sorrow to repent.  Romans 10:17, "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."  Romans 12:2, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."


Acts 3:19, “Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord”.


The Prodigal Son went through a conversion.  He cared nothing about his father’s will or laws, but lived a life in violation of them.  But later his mental thinking changed (repented), and he physically returned to his father, willing to submit to his authority even as a servant. The father said he ‘was dead’ in sin and now ‘is alive’ (reborn). That’s true repentance.  The magnitude of the repentance is in proportion to the magnitude of the sin and rebellion.  The fruit of repentance is a willingness to submit to God as our supreme authority. This will usher the repentant person into a lifestyle of confessing and forsaking any sin found in their life.


Zacchaeus went through a conversion, as he repented, from a sinner to one who chose to return all the money he taken wrongly and give a portion of his money to the poor, as God’s Old Testament law requires.  Jesus responded to his submission to God’s authority, and said, ‘today salvation came to his house’. Zacchaeus had money, or himself, as his supreme authority, but in repenting, he made God his Supreme Authority.


The keeping of God’s laws is fruit of repentance and that is also the evidence God needs that we love, honor and respectfully fear Him.  Even if a person keeps all of God’s laws and rejects just one, that is evidence that he/she has spurned God’s authority to rule over them, they had said ‘no’ to one of God’s demands, they are then considered to be ‘lawless’. 


A lawless person many keep many of God’s laws, but it’s not because they are submitting to God’s authority, which they had already spurned, but they keep them for some other reason; religious, social, family, legal, image, etc.  The ‘lawless’ might look like ‘real Christians’ or human ‘angels’ to the human eye, but in God’s eyes they are rebels who reject His authority and therefore not fit for His kingdom.  This was the case with the 'righteous' Pharisees.


Repentance ultimately dethroning your lawless supreme authority and then submitting to God as your supreme authority.




Jesus said keep the Old Testament ‘law and prophets’, but the church says ‘no’.  Some churches will say we should keep some of the Ten Commandments, but certainly not the Old Testament ‘law and prophets’ as Jesus commanded.  Jesus said that we are to worship Yahoveh alone, but the church tells us to worship the three God's of the Trinity. So should I listen to Jesus or the Church?  Jesus said ‘my sheep hear my voice and follow me’. Jesus also said he is to be our only teacher and we will be judged by whether or not we kept his words.  




Didn’t Jesus die, or atone for my sins?  In the Scriptures we learn that the ‘wages of sin is death’. And that is why we need an atonement sacrifice, it’s a substitute death in our place. In the Old Testament we see sacrifices were made for the atonement of sins.  But we must note that atonement was never made for unrepentant presumptuous sinners.  Atonement was only made for unintentional sinners who repent.  Atonement must be proceeded with repentance, and without it, atonement is not possible. "Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out..." (Acts 3:19).  So if a person is lawless, and sins intentionally, or presumptuously, because they have rejected the law(s) they violated and don't repent, then no atonement is possible. For the presumptuous sinner who says, ‘I don’t’ have to keep God’s law because I’m not under the law’, and violates it, there can be no atonement – apart from true repentance.  We read that in Hebrews 10:26 NKJV, “For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth (presumptuous sin after we know God’s law), there no longer remains a sacrifice (atonement) for sins.”  In Number 15:27-28 we read about a person who has sinned unintentionally, and for that person an atonement sacrifice is permitted, but then we read in Numbers 15:30-31, for the person who sinned presumptuously there was no atonement is possible, they are to be cut off – just as we read in Hebrews 10:26.


So yes, Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for sins, but his atonement is only for those who truly repent. That's why Jesus so often called on sinners to repent.  And Jesus certainly will not atone for those who reject his instruction to repent and keep God’s ‘law and prophets’.




God tells us to worship on the Sabbath, but most Christians worship on Sunday – to reject God’s Sabbath law makes them lawless.  God tells us to keep Passover and the rest of His appointed feast days, Christians reject them and keep the ‘Christianized’ Pagan feast days of Easter and Christmas instead – to reject God’s feast days makes them lawless.  God tells us not to eat unclean meats, but Christians eat pork, shrimp, lobster and enjoy their Easter Sunday Ham Dinners – to reject God’s dietary laws makes them lawless.  God tells us to worship Yahoveh alone, but Christians worship a Trinity of gods – to reject the First Commandment makes them lawless.  Since most Christians won’t keep God’s laws, and have their own laws, doctrines and creeds, according to the Scriptures, God will not accept their worship or hear their prayers; Matthew 15:9 NKJV, “And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’” Mark 7:7 NKJV, “And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’  Proverbs 28:9, NKJV, “One who turns away his ear from hearing the law, Even his prayer is an abomination.” Those who will not ‘hear’ (i.e., obey) God’s law – and they will suffer the consequences on Judgment Day if they don’t repent before then.


God will not accept their worship or hear their prayers, because they have rejected some, or all, of God’s laws, and that makes them lawless.  Lawless people have reject God as their supreme authority and have selected a different authority, and that lawless supreme authority is their god.


In addition, Christians who worship Jesus, or the Trinity, are worshiping the wrong god and worshiping in the wrong manner – Yahoveh God repeatedly said that He was the one and only true God and there are no others. I know that’s a hard pill for Christians to swallow, because we were indoctrinated with the doctrine of the Trinity since the day we could walk.  We were warned that those who do not believe in the Trinity are lost and going to hell.  But the Trinity is not in the Bible and the Bible speaks volumes against any such concept.  The truth is right here in the First Commandment, Exodus 20:1-3, “And God spoke all these words, saying:  “I am Yahoveh your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.  “You shall have no other gods before Me.”   Yahoveh said He is one God and there are no others.  In John 17:3 Jesus said Yahoveh was the one true God.   Jesus agreed and said Yahoveh is God and He is one God and He was one and there are no others (Mark 12:29-30, “Jesus answered him, “The first of all the commandments is:  ‘Hear, O Israel, Yahoveh our God, Yahoveh is one.” .  Did you notice in Mark:12:29-30 that Jesus referred to Yahoveh as ‘our God’.  Jesus said that he too worships Yahoveh God (John 4:22-23 (NKJV), “You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews.  But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.”  When Jesus said, “we know what we worship” he was including himself as one of the Jews who worships Yahoveh.


Jesus, quoting from the Old Testament said, Matthew 4:10, “Then Jesus said to him, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship Yahoveh your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ ” Here Jesus tells us to worship and serve Yahoveh God only.  And the Greek word ‘serve’ has to do with activities in the worship service; prayers, sacrifice, song, praise, bowing, hymns, etc, are to be addressed to Yahoveh only, to address these to Jesus or anyone else is to dishonor Jesus and the Father, Yahoveh God.  You don’t want to do that, for Yahoveh is a jealous God and a consuming fire.  By telling us that He is a jealous God and a consuming fire is a dire warning about worshiping someone other than Yahoveh God.


Christians think that they are honoring Jesus by worshiping him and praying to him.  But just the opposite is true.  In doing that they are violating his instructions and God’s commandments.  By their worship of Jesus they are dishonoring both Jesus and God.




Who is it that’s teaching this lawlessness?  The churches do it, and that’s amazing.  It’s the very institution that claims to speak for God, and the institution that we expect to draw us closer to God actually separates us from God.  Lawless teaching causes people to disregard God’s law, then freely violate it, and according to Isaiah, that sin separates us from God.


 The churches teach religion, but not holiness.  They tell us that we can be holy without keeping God’s laws, they tell us that righteousness will be imputed into us because of what we believe. Yet, that’s contrary to what Jesus tells us.  Jesus said it’s by our own righteousness that we will be allowed into God’s kingdom (Matthew 5:20).  And Hebrews 12:14 tells us to be holy, and unless you are, you will not see God. Deuteronomy 15:40 and Romans 7:12 tells us holiness has to do with keeping God’s law. 


The church tells us that we don’t need to keep it God’s law. And they do all of that in the name of God, thinking that they are serving God and speaking for God.  But those who teach lawlessness are false prophets, just as we read in Matthew 7:15.  The ‘false prophets’ deceive many, and many will be lost because of the false prophets. It’s the ‘Many’ that Jesus told us about are on the broad way leading to destruction. But there is a reason why God allows that to go on, it’s a test.  Deuteronomy 13:3-4, “you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams, for Yahoveh your God is testing you to know whether you love Yahoveh your God with all your heart and with all your soul.  You shall walk after Yahoveh your God and fear Him, and keep His commandments and obey His voice; you shall serve Him and hold fast to Him.”  Yahoveh your God is testing you, to see if you will love Him and will obey Him or allow false prophets to persuade you to abandon Yahoveh’s commandments and submit to some other supreme authority, i.e, another god.  Yahoveh loves those who Love Him and keep His commandments (Exodus 20:6), maintaining Him as their supreme authority.





No, Jesus upheld all of God’s laws, and didn’t violate or annul any of them, he couldn’t, because then he would have been going against God’s will and that would make him a sinner.  What Jesus did, that confuses people, was he eliminated the Jewish tradition which taught that food that was raised, produced, or touched by Gentiles, or purchased in a Gentile market, it was ‘common’ and had to ritually cleansed before it could be eaten.  And that included the idea that Jews needed to wash their hands seven times before eating.  Those practices are not from the Bible, so Jesus’ tells us not practice those traditions, because it was adding man made laws to the word of God. 


And Jesus, speaking to the Jews, said ‘all food was good’.  However pork, and shell fish, were not considered food – for they were never part of a Jew's diet.  Again he was talking about Biblical kosher food purchased in the Gentile market place.




I hear Christians, and Christian Churches, say that we don’t have to keep the ‘Jewish’ feast days because Jesus fulfilled them all.  Is that true?


First of all, they are not ‘Jewish’ feast days, they are God’s Feast Days.  And second, they are memorial days of past events, and there is no way to fulfill a memorial day. You can acknowledge a memorial event or ignore it, but there is no way to ‘fulfill’ it.  Can you fulfill the 4th of July, Memorial Day, Armistice Day, Veterans Day, Martin Luther King Day, or Columbus Day?  No, they are memorial days to commemorate an event that has happened.  There is no way to ‘fulfill’ a memorial event.


The same is true with Passover, it is a memorial day to commemorate an event that happened in the past, there’s no way to fulfill it.  Granted, Jesus may have done something spiritually similar to what Moses did, but that doesn’t fulfill, nullify, void or erase the event that God told us to remember and celebrate for all generations.


Someone may argue that Christmas and Easter are memorial events, and that may be true (even though we know that Jesus was not born on December 25th), but these memorial events are not sanctioned, or commanded, by God or the Scriptures, they are optional man made memorial events, like the 4th of July.  God's memorial feast days are not optional.




Are ‘Christians’ saved?  Only God knows that, but I do know that by following Church doctrine they aren’t doing what Jesus tells us is necessary for salvation.  Scripture tells us to keep Jesus’ instruction and do God’s will – but Christians typically do neither.  Christians offer God an emotional love, beautiful buildings, outward adornment, prayers, worship services, songs, financial offerings, but without the obedience that would be the coronation of Yahoveh as their God and King, and supreme authority.  And then Christians are taught that Jesus will somehow save them from Yahoveh’s harsh judgment. 


They fail at giving God the one thing God ask of them, obedience to His will, to demonstrate their love and commitment for Him and Him alone.  But, when they set God’s law aside, they failed to honor God and exult Him above all other authorities.  They point to John 3:16 and believe that they will be saved by their mental belief, or nice thoughts of Jesus.  Can they possibly be saved?


Am I wrong?  I know what I said has grave implications for all of the Christian church, and for all who call themselves ‘Christians’.  If I’m right, then almost all ‘Christians’ are the ‘many’ lost lawless sinners on the broad way.  So, I hope I’m wrong.  And I will accept that I’m wrong if you can show me from the Scriptures where I’m wrong.  But don’t show me from church doctrines or at the expense of Jesus’ words or God’s words – for their words are eternal, and they can’t be superseded, annulled, void or replaced – their word will not pass away before the heaven and earth passes away.


Please give careful study to the words of this book, they are not mine, but God’s and given in the Holy Scriptures.


Keep Studying,



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